
January Newsletter 2024

Travelling Light
An important part of my pilgrimage on the Camino is the inner journey. Pilgrims on their return readily speak about their experiences on the physical Camino. We eagerly share details of packing lists and blister prevention and how successful our preparations had been. How often though do we discuss the journey within, which is happening simultaneously?

From my experience not much. Once on the Camino I’ve been surprised how fellow pilgrims will share deeply personal insights and details of their lives. It is quite astonishing really. People sharing thoughts and concerns with almost complete strangers that they had dared not broach with lifelong friends. I’m not immune. I’ve given thought to why this might be. Tentative conclusions reached include the degree of openness we might exhibit on the Camino, a shared goal and experience, uninterrupted time, and probably a factor is ‘like ships that pass in the night,’ we may never see these confidantes again.
Some thoughts regarding optimal preparation for both the outer and inner journeys are discussed below, in the article, ‘Setting Optimal Conditions for the Inner Journey.’

Ultreia Philip

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